Sunday, August 3, 2008

Selling Old Beer Cans on eBay

Many old beer cans are valuable. Finding out which ones they are can be difficult. Obviously if you are reading this I don't have to tell you that the internet is a very powerful tool and it can be used to determine the value of any beer can. Up until about a year ago I would advise anyone with a clean flat top or cone top beer can to list it on eBay. More often than not the prices realized were higher than the accepted market value in the hobby. Much has changed in the last year.

Over the last year eBay collectible prices have dropped significantly. So much so that many collectors and dealers have begun selling their better items at other venues. So what is the reason for the current downfall of eBay?

Top 10 eBay minuses

1) The U.S. economy is in a recession.
2) eBay fees have continued to rise.
3) Postal rates have increased.
4) eBay scams are getting more frequent.
5) There are more sellers than buyers.
6) eBay offers very little support for its users.
7) There is less of an audience so auction prices are lower.
8) eBay favors retail products and big $$$ items.
9) The site has become very confusing.
10) eBay rules and regulations are very restricting.

Of course it is only fair that I highlight the factors that continue to draw collectors to eBay. After all, I still buy and sell on there every week.

Top 10 eBay pluses

1) The auctions reach a worldwide audience.
2) With Buy IT Now & Paypal you can buy & sell instantly.
3) You can find practically anything on eBay.
4) eBay offers more protection than other sites (like Craig's List).
5) Many buyers will overpay for items they can't live without.
6) The exchange rate has benefited European & Canadian buyers.
7) Buyers can still find the occasional "diamond in the rough".
8) Anyone can register to buy and sell.
9) A novice seller can receive a fair price without having expertise.
10)Additional items often can be sold privately.

So what do all of these pluses & minuses have to do with beer cans? Quality beer cans have recently decreased in value on eBay. Buyers have become smarter, more patient and perhaps short on cash. There are so many sellers from outside the hobby offering beer cans that most beer can collectors have their pick of multiple cans or only have to wait a short time until another similar beer can is offered. There have also been very large collections recently dismantled and offered for sale on eBay. Collectors have become wary and will not enter "stupid bids" for that beer can they just have to add to their collection. Many buyers also have been working together to keep prices down on unsuspecting sellers.

More often than not eBay prices have been erratic. The same beer can sells for half the price the first time and double the price the second time. There's no rhyme or reason to it. Perhaps it a seasonal thing. Maybe it's the U.S. economy, or maybe eBay has run it's course and prices will be more realistic from now on. Whatever the causes are, there's no denying that eBay prices are down significantly. Do you want to chance your one of a kind item (beer can) to an auction that won't realize the true market value? I don't want to take that chance and either do most beer can collectors.

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